Reasons Behind Why Your Vape is Leaking

Many vapers have experienced occasional leakage in their devices that often happens by hurling and tossing the e-cigarette, either in the hand or pocket of your wears or bags. If you are experiencing constant leakage in your vape, you must resolve the problem before it ruins your vape.

Smoking a vape that leaks is an undesirable encounter no one would ever wish, even in their wildest dreams. That is why it is always preferred to use robust cartridge packaging to protect your item. We will help you identify the reasons that are causing your vape to leak.

The Central Causes

It is unrealistic to cover all the aspects why your device start leaking, but we have underscored the common yet significant reasons influencing your device. It is vital to apprise you about the accessories related to the issue. It includes vapes’ coils, tanks, sub-tanks and seals that could face potential harm.

However, do not limit the possibility that you may actually be unintentionally making your e-cigarette glitch. Keeping the following points in mind helps you maintain a check on the quality of your cartridge; e-liquid, cleaning your product, and measuring the e-liquids.


Having an issue with your coils could be the primary reason for your vape to leak. It is pertinent to mention that not all kinds of coils work with your vape. You have to ensure that the coils you are having for your vape must be of the matching model. If you are inexperienced or facing issues while repairing it, you are advised to visit your nearby store for assistance.


There is a possibility that your vape might be encountering some kind of cracks that is causing the leakage. Kindly thoroughly inspect your device to check the seals, fittings and compact packaging. Even though the pyrex glass is used to manufacture vape and its tanks, it can experience a crack.

Even the smallest gap can result in the leaking of your e-fluid. Fortunately, you can easily replace the glass without the need to replace your vape pen entirely.

Leaky Tanks

It is crucial to keep your tanks truly clean to have a satisfying experience. Any accumulation of fluids inside your vape can cause severe damage to your tanks. If you are a regular smoker or even an occasional one, it is a healthy habit to clean your tanks and sub-tanks weekly.

You can find many ways online to clean the tanks or take it to a dispensary that will help you clean your tanks. Be mindful of how you are filling your vape, keeping its capacity in mind. It would be helpful if you wholly investigate the tanks and set them to the suggested levels for high maintenance.

However, if you are not facing any of the previously mentioned factors, it is nice to check with the manufacturer who can help you better. Acquire a cartridge packaging ( to protect your device against environmental issues as well, as a pleasant smoking experience is mandatory to relax your mind and body.

Published by Lucy Darren

For 25 years my passion has been creating new things - art, designs, stories, magazines, websites. I’ve produced magazines, newspapers, flyers, leaflets and banners. I’ve also worked as a ghostwriter, written several novels, and achieved bestseller status with one among my books. I can take difficult concepts and explain them in an easy-to-understand way, suitable for nearly any audience.

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